Thursday, January 27, 2011

Laundry Soap

Laundry is a daunting task for any large family... and can get quite expensive too.  I have seen recipes and heard of making your own soap and how easy and inexpensive it was... I have been wanting try this for a long time.  I have put off trying it even longer... b/c I had to make it and wasn't sure what I was in for. Well I finally jumped on the bandwagon!  After seeing a friend post it on facebook and she included pictures (I'm visual) it gave me the UMPH that I needed!

It really was easy peasy!  And CHEAP!  It cost around $6.00 for all the supplies and I have plenty of Borax and Washing Soda to make tons more.  This recipe is to make enough soap for 40 loads.  I will probably triple the batch the next time I make it.  I got the recipe from here  but I will also show you the steps. They also have a recipe for liquid detergent if you prefer that and for fabric softener (SIDE NOTE : Love the Duggars, I'm an avid watcher of their show!  We love their Tater Tot casserole, its a regular in the Fields house but I add shredded cheese to mine :) - try that too!)

Grab your supplies.  (Ivory bar soap, Borax and Washing Soda. It was hard to find the washing soda, finally found it at Publix!)

                                                 Give the baby a snack so he is happy :)

                                                                Grab a cute helper or two...

                                                       Keep Pooh and Piglet out of the soap.

                                                           Measure all ingredients.

                                                                           Add to soap.

                                                                           And stir.

Yes it is that easy!  You grind up one bar of soap on the fine part of the grater. (it was really easy to grind I thought it was going to be hard)  Add 1/2 cup of Borax and 1 cup of Washing Soda.  Mix well and that is it!  Use 1 tablespoon for a regular wash and 2 tablespoons for a heavy soiled wash.  I've done several loads so far and I am impressed!  They smell is very clean and light. All the clothes are clean and colors are great! TRY IT and save some money!!!!! :)

For people with little babies... I think that this detergent is probably safe for babies.  So no more buying expensive baby detergent.  Since I used ivory soap the smell is really light and I don't think it would irritate the baby's skin. 

Another helpful tip... On the back of the Borax box was all sort of cleaning tips you can use Borax for... from stains to toilets... I haven't tried it yet... but Borax is really cheap (like $3) and worth a shot!

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