Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Heart Aches...

Tonight my heart aches.  Addison is sick again... Today was a completly normal day and it just hits... I still see no pattern in this thing that she has.  I knew it was coming because we were getting ready to leave for the Fall Festival at our church and she wanted a towel to sit on in her carseat.  She doesn't like to sit directly on her bottom when her "tushy hurts."  This has been going on for well over a year and we have no answer and no idea what is causing this. We are scheduled to see the Urologist again for her 6 month follow up to make sure that her kidney isn't getting any larger.  We decided to go see another allergist and go from there.  I don't really think she is allergic to anything.  From what I've heard and researched you can pretty much pinpoint an allergy... like an immediate reaction.  And I haven't noticed that with Addy.  I could be wrong... we'll see.  I really wasn't pleased with the allergist that we saw... AHHH!!!  I just really have no clue....

It's painful to see your child sick with anything and to not know what is going on.... is just heart wrenching. :(

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homeschool Update...

So we have been homeschooling for a little over 2 months and for the most part I LOVE it! I'm not saying that its perfect or even easy because its NOT!  Somedays its absolute mayham! As in anything you do in life whether you work, stay home, homeschool, public school there are good days and bad days with it all!  I remind myself of that on the rough days. I love having all our children with me and us creating a close knit family.  Somedays I think wow... today would be so different if Addison and Taylor were in school.  Nathan works almost every Saturday (its a miracle if he has one off) and when he is working 5 days a week he usually has a random day off mid week. (for almost 1/2 of the year he usually works 6 days a week)  If the girls were in school they wouldn't get to see much of him. 

I knew this year would be an adjustment, it's a lifestyle adjustment I am responsible to get something very important done... and I'm kind of a fly by the seat of your pants kind of girl and knew that I would have to adjust my desires.  Having 1 vehicle has helped that! LOL Most days/weeks go great with schooling it all depends on the "extras" that I have decided to do within a week.  And I am still learning to not commit to do to much.  We have joined a MOPS group, a homeschool group and a bible study that I am trying to connect with at the church we are going to.  I love all 3 groups...  But some weeks I have to say no... because we have to focus on school and that is new for me. 

The virtual school I think was a good choice for our first year for the accoutability purpose... but I don't think I am going to do that next year.  Mainly I do NOT like reporting to someone... LOL who knew! Like right now I have to turn in a book log... Huh?? What??? Why???  I've known about this but have I kept record of what books we've read NO!  Because I know that we are reading... and I think its ridiculous and one more thing for me to do and I don't want to!  Ok I'm done with that! LOL I mainly signed up for the virtual school because I had no idea what I was doing, I liked the curriculumn and it was FREE!  We are going to have to budget for next school year to purchase 2 curriculumns but the good thing is I can pass most of it down to the next kid.  There is always the HERI library (part of the HS group that we joined) and you can check out curriculumns.

Taylor is doing very good.   She wasn't being challenged in the beginning and most of it is still easy for her so I added a sight word program from HERE it's called You Can Read and we are moving right along with it.  Taylor is catching on very quickly and even Addy is with some of the words. :)  I am also using her Raising Rockstar Preschool mixed with the Kindergarten one so that it's on Addy and Taylor's age level.  You can find those here  Raising Rockstars Preschool and here Raising Rockstars Kindergarten  this blog has a TON of info and resources on it if you are thinking of homeschooling... I really like it.  Addy has been amazing me as well...  she will definately be ready for Kindergarten!  Payton has actually wanted to sit down with me to.  We do very little together... but that is all that she needs right now.  Since the first day of school she hasn't wanted to do much with me.  I think she likes playing with the toys by herself. 

Taylor does this often... she writes, colors or draws with both hands... meaning uses both hands at the same time!  Here I caught a picture of it with her coloring a pattern.  She has even written her name this way.  She mostly favors her left hand and always has... but uses her right hand a good bit too.  If she is writting on the left side of a work book or page and makes her way to the right side of the page or book she sometimes switches hands.  This cracks me up!

I showed pics of our clean and orderly school room before... well that is NOT REAL at all for us...

Just keeping it real... because most of the time it looks like this....

This would be Jackson knocking all the books off the bookcase.

The playroom side and this is mild compared to some days :)  SIGH.... (But I am very thankful to have a space for all this junk to live)

This little man causes alot of distraction :) but a cute one.  Here he got a hold of the crayons again but it kept him entertained he kept putting them in the box and dump them out over and over again.  He may have eaten 1 crayon... Don't judge me their non toxic ;)

Here is my cutie pie!  We worked on a coloring sheet together now that she is finally showing interest and you can see in her face how proud she is :)

The HS group that we joined has 2 field trips a month the first one we went to the Tree Hill Nature place, that was kinda cool.  And I was definately unprepared for a walk through the woods with an umbrella stroller.  The 2nd field trip we've done,  the girls painted these pots and we met with the group and planted pansies in them and took them to a local assisted living home.  I knew my girls would be shy but I still think it's important for them to experience this.  Addison LOVED it.  She really like handing them out to the elderly and telling them to have a blessed day.  Payton handed some out too.  Taylor did not... :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

God is good!

So you may have noticed my absense in blogging... a very good reason... our computer died!  Literally to the grave.  I was on the computer one day and literally it froze and never came back. :(  Nathan looked at the computer, talked to some friends that know more about computers and we ended up at Geek Squad.  They were pretty pricey and no guarantee that it could be fixed. AHHH!!!  What to do!  Can we afford these repairs, can we afford a new computer... at the moment... NO. :(

So ok... I can live without the internet... I could learn anyways.  You really don't realize how much you use something until you can't!  So I could come to terms with it.  BUT with homeschooling... there is NO WAY!  I print ALOT of stuff for homeschool and Taylor's virtual school I have to do stuff online.  So we visited the library once so Taylor could do her portion that needed to be done on the computer (so thankful I only had to do that once) Now the 4 kids in tow weren't the problem.  Jackson got a little antsy but nothing to bad.  It was the library that was so rude!  Anywho... I'll get over that one day.  But seriously I told this guy what to do! anywho... really will get over that one day.

So I was pretty stressed about the upcoming expense.  We have some other big needs that we are praying about and this takes away from that...  That day I spoke with my mother in law and she encouraged and prayed with me.  Later that day I read this status update from a dear friend on FB

The person who really understands the grace of God will not worry. Worrying is trying to figure out what to do to save yourself rather than trusting in God for deliverance...  (from Joyce Meyer)

This seriously spoke to my heart and I prayed and gave all my worry to God.  Wasn't sure how it would work out but it will.  God knows what we NEED.  So a week later I purchase a new computer (with cash!) and God is to the glory!  Nathan's paycheck was higher than usual and we (I) am so thankful! 

So we've caught up on homeschooling and now I've gotta catch up on blogging... :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Orlando 2011

As I mentioned in the previous post... we were able to stay a couple days in Orlando.  It was a very nice mini vacation.  We were there for 2 1/2 days.  Besides Sea World we relaxed by the pool and enjoyed Nana (Boo) taking care of us and cooking!  (my fav part)  The kids were so excited to go to the pool and the splash ground at the resort.  They really warmed up to "swimming" more and we had a ton of fun!  Jackson LOVES the water he goes straight for it with no fear at all!  The splash ground was probably his favorite and he is just hilarious... he will put his face straight into the water sprays and laugh! 

All of us ready and doing a A-Z scavenger hunt that the resort had for little kids... :)

It's a little cold....

Payton loved the pool and jumping to us!  She didn't want to wear her wings or float!

Taylor learned some "swimming" things too...

Water balloon toss that the resort had on the 2nd day... FUN!

Sea World 2011

We have been planning this trip for a while to go to Sea World.  Instead of having 3 birthday parties for the girls we decided to take them to Sea World to celebrate their special day.  The girls birthdays are barely a month apart... for all 3 girls. :)  So this seemed simpler... for some reason. LOL 

The day finally came and we went to Sea World the last weekend in August... the girls had been counting down the days and were so excited!  Papa and Nana joined us to help out and actually used their timeshare so we stayed in Orlando and extra 2 days than what we were planning on.  That was really nice!  The weather was great too!

So this deserves a blog post all in its own... My sweet cautious Taylor... says to me while we are near the "kiddie rides"  I want to go on that with you Mommy!  I literally looked at her and said Seriously... You want to go on that!? She said YEAH! :) So of course I couldn't go b/c I'm pregnant... but it's this ride that goes up and down kinda high for a kid.... it doesn't free drop but still... So Nathan took her and we really expected her to scream in terror or something instead we got all smiles and laughter.... she LOVED it! 

Taylor and her sisters could go on the tea cups... (Addy and Payton were to small for the other rides) 

Taylor then says she wants to go on the kid roller coaster... HUH?  Who is this child? ( if you know her well this would shock you too!) Here they are ready to go!

I took a pic of the incline they went up just b/c I still can't believe it! LOL!

Sea World was great!  We really enjoyed it and loved doing this with our kids!  And a special Thanks to Papa and Nana for all their help! :)