Friday, April 22, 2011

Addy Update

If you missed what is going on with our Sweet Pea you can read here and here

So... I forgot to tell you that we had the Upper GI appointment and the Ultrasound for Addison.  It was last week on the 12th.. my birthday. :)  We spent 6 hours at the childrens hospital.  It was nice to have just Addison all to myself... does that count as quality time at the hospital??? :) Make the best with what we got, right!  So Addison did great..  I didn't expect much less.  These sort of things don't seem to bother her at all.  Like filling 6 vials of blood without a peep.  For the ultrasound she laid still and did great, which lasted about 20 minutes.  The upper GI took the rest of the time.  I had no idea what to expect.  She did great for each procedure.  Basically she had to drink a special drink that she didn't like... but drank it anyway.  And they do a series of x-rays to watch how the drink goes from your throat to your stomach and they had to see it reach her large intestine.  Everyone is different so there is no telling how long it could take.  They would take an x-ray and say we've gotta wait.  Each wait time was about 30 minutes and they did 5 sets of x-rays.  Yeah that was a fun day! LOL So anywho... I had to wait atleast 4 business days to get the results.  I just got them this morning.  The result is the blood work is normal, the upper GI is normal.  The ultrasound showed that there is a problem with her kidney, her right kidney.  The tube that is connected to the kidney, the ureter isn't draining urine properly.  So we have to go see a urologist.  I've already made the appointment and it is May 10.  Why on earth do we have to wait so long to see specialist?  That is all the information that I have.  I'm sure we will learn a whole lot more from the urologist.  I'll keep you updated! 

Oh and Addy got an icecream for being so good at the hospital!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting Your Heart Right

Today my sweet Taylor asked Jesus to be her Savior.  It was so precious and sweet.  We have been praying since Taylor was born that our children would know the Lord at a young age.  I am so thankful to God!!!  This made my day!!!

Let me back up a little.  When Taylor was 2 years old during Christmas I was reading a book to her about how the candy cane stands for Jesus. I told her then that Jesus could live in her heart she just had to ask.  She immediately responded with "Jesus in my heart, Amen"  It was so sweet and precious.  I was beyond excited!  When I told Nathan about it he didn't feel like she really was saved b/c she was to young to know anything different.  I felt differently because I was there and heard her heart and saw her when she prayed on her own.  Maybe she was to young I don't know... after today I feel like she really was saved then.  But we will probably tell her both stories  b/c they are equally important.  So now back to today... we've been talking about Easter and reading stories in our homschool and Taylor has been asking me sooo many questions and really trying to understand Jesus dying on the cross and His resurrection.  Well as I was explaining it all to her... She asked if we would go to heaven when we die and said Yes if Jesus is in your heart.  She responded with Oh Good cause I have Jesus in my heart! I told her that we have to pray and ask Jesus and she insisted that she had already prayed and had Jesus living in her heart.  But then told me that she would pray with my anyway.  It was so cute and sweet!  She seemed to really know what we were talking about and was very matter of fact about it.  She was very proud of herself and told her Nana on the phone and her Daddy when he came home from work.   I'm so proud of her and so thankful to God that He sent His Son to die for us so that we are saved by His grace!


We are almost there... so close I hope I don't jinx it by talking about it...  Payton has shown progress in potty training!!! YAY!!!!  Its been a long road for her too.  I tried before Christmas and she didn't really show any interest.  Tried again for 2 weeks and she didn't progress... any!  Its so frustrating.  Payton would literally tell me... no I want a Pull-Up!  So anywho... trying   I leave the girls bottomless.  So she has been bottomless and yesterday she did pretty good.  She pooped twice in the potty, she has done this before and then go back to not going in the potty.  So I didn't get to excited... but of course we did the Big Girl Potty Dance (I'll show you one day :) and gave her some M&M's and go about our day.  Well today she did great!  No accidents at all!!!!  And she peed in the potty on her own.  ALOT!  I am so excited and proud of her.  I knew one day she would just decide to go... just wasn't sure when that day was going to show up!  Well.... I think it was today. 

Big Girl Payton

Side note:  I have to write this b/c it cracks me up... so potty training Payton and her earning rewards... Addison thinks she deserves one too... after all she pees and poops in the potty to right? LOL So anytime Addy hears me starting to praise Payton... (she can even be in the other room)  Addy SWOOSHES to her bathroom and goes and comes out I want M&M's!!!  It is hilarious!  She cracks me up!  Oh and her closet is full... again... sigh

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Yes I am blogging about socks... Laundry is a daunting task with 4 kids... I think on average I do 12 loads a week.  It's alot... and to have to match socks.... Socks I hate SOCKS!  With 3 girls very close in age... this is a very hard task to match all the socks.  Socks don't have tags with sizes in them and it was hard to figure out who's was who's without having the girls try them on. Actually its mainly in the winter that we use socks (& this way I only have to worry about this for a few months) I prefer sandles and crocs on the girls b/c well they are easy and they can put them on themselves.  Sooo... I have avoided this issue for a very long time.  When Taylor or Addy would out grow a pair I would just move them to the next kids drawer.. that was easy... but I can't give Jackson pink socks... so it was time to clean them out. Payton who is 2 1/2 years old still had baby socks... yes infant socks still in her drawer!  It was awful!  So infant up to a 4 year old worth of socks!  I could figure out the sock madness but if Nathan ever put socks on the girls he would always grab a pair that was to small! LOL I cleaned it all out and bought my girls some new socks that actually fit!  Addison and Payton are the same size which is easy now b/c I don't have to seperate the sizes for them and that was the main issue.

And seriously??? Where do the socks go?  Why do we ALL always lose one sock?  It's crazy!  So yes socks... simple but madness!  And thats my life!  And I love it! :)