Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cute Kid Alert!

We were just being goofy and playing around.  This was Miley's first time to ride her Princess car and everyone got in on the fun!

Miley loves being pushed around the house on her Princess car.

 I could not get Miley to look at me!  Oh well all 5 kids are in there :)

Family Pictures 2012

We took some family pictures while we were in South Carolina in my in-laws backyard.  My plan was to use them in a Christmas card... that did not happen this year.  But they are still great pictures!  It's so funny to me scrolling through ALL of them and how MANY pictures it takes with 5 kids to get a good picture!

Fields Family 2012

I have to add this one because we died laughing when we saw it... What is Payton doing?

Payton is upset because she did not want to take a picture with me.  She only wanted to be with Nathan, quite typical for her. :(

 I love Nathan's face in this picture.  You can see the love in Nathan's face for our children. And this is what makes me fall in love with him all over again.  It overwhelms me at how much he loves us!  I am truly blessed to be his wife!

Thanksgiving at Papa and Nana's

We went to South Carolina this year for Thanksgiving to see Papa and Nana.  We had a great time visiting with them, we went to a really cool interactive library and a Christmas play. The play was really cool and we all enjoyed it.  We were also able to see some old friends that live up there too.  It was great seeing Matt and Lindsey and their two boys.

Jackson passed out one day on Papa and Nana's couch.. He's so sweet!


YIKES!  Payton decided to personalize Nana's chair... to say I was embarrassed is an understatement!  Tip... incase you didn't know... rubbing alcohol gets ink off leather!  Thank goodness!

Here are pictures from the interactive library... very cool with hands on stuff and free! It's a library!

playing on a light table

Addy hit her head really good before we even got inside the library...  There was a big typewriter set up outside and each letter you could jump to (or at least that's what my kids were doing!) well she missed a letter... hit her head... did I mention it was made out of stone. :(  Poor baby!

Daddy and Papa watching the puppet show

We had a great time at Papa and Nana's!

Miley 9 & 10 months

WOW! I am so far behind on my blog.  I have tried posting several times but blogger was telling me I used up all my space ??? I deleted some stuff in order to get more "space."  But I am probably going to have to buy a monthly storage amount or something... anywho...

In the mean time... I gotta catch up!

Miley was crawling and cruising the furniture at 9 months old.  She gets into EVERYTHING!  Miley is very curious and loud... have I said that she was loud before... well that was an understatement!  Girlfriend has a set of lungs on her!

Here are her 9 month pictures... which by the way are next to impossible to get because she won't sit still!  So this is the best I got. :)

Nathan came home from work while I was trying to take these pictures.  I think I screamed "Oh good you're home!  Help me get these pictures!"

Miley 10 months old

Miley took her first step at 10 1/2 months old.  This whole set of pictures... Miley is looking at me like "What you want me to stay still mom!?"