Friday, August 8, 2008

Taylor's Big Girl Bed

Taylor transfered beautifully to her big girl bed. She "helped" Nathan put it together and once it was done she climbed in bed and said "night-night!" It wasn't even bedtime! In these pictures I caught her sleeping at the foot of the bed. But she is all over the place. I get woken up in the middle of the night by a loud thud and it's her hitting the wall in her sleep with either her arm, foot or head.
She loves to be in her big girl bed and loves sharing a room with Addison. I'm so glad that this went so good. We were nervous with her being so young but.... well we need the crib for baby #3!

Addy is soo BIG!

Addy getting ready to take a step. Not to much progression she is still taking one step gets so excited and gives her self a hand clap that she falls!! TOO Cute

Monday, August 4, 2008


I was so excited about Addison's first step that I of course called Nathan to share the news with him... and he said "OH - she did that last night, she took a step to me..." (he watched them the previous evening so I could meet some friends for coffee) so it looks like Addison's first step wasn't to me but to Daddy, once again. I was a little upset cause I didn't know about it but oh well.

Both of my girls are majorly Daddy's girls... that's ok though - I do love that!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Addy's BIG day

Addison took her first step today to ME!!! :) She fell, but she kept trying! I kept giving her praise and Taylor following my cues - was doing the same! So Addison sat down and gave herself a hand clap! Tooo cute! :)

Taylor's first step was to Nathan - so this was special to me...

my baby is growing up, it will be nice to have her walking before the baby arrives though! lol