Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sweet things they say...

I have to write this down before I forget...  Today after church we went to a friend's, baby's baptism.  This was at a Catholic church so the ceremony was a little different from our church (we attend a non-denominational church) The girls had lots of questions or comments some of them were so cute that I have to share them!  There was a huge cross with Jesus on it hanging from the ceiling (kind of a floating look)  Addy points to it and says "Jesus doesn't fly! Only birdies fly!" lol sooo sweet!  Then during the baptisms Taylor asks me "Why are those babies taking a bath here?"  sooo cute!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Still playing catch up on EVERYTHING!  Life has been so busy... I swear I blink and the day is gone... I want to cherish each moment...  So I am late on blogging these pics but I love them so better late than never is my mato! 

Here is Jackson's 4 month pic with his bear 08/29/10 (we do monthly pics for each baby next to a special bear so we can see how they grow their 1st year I love doing these and cherish these pictures!)  I swear Jackson's hair is just a mess.  I wet it down but it just sticks up all over the place!  He would have such cute little ponytail and bow if he were a girl! lol

Taylor's naps a few and far between.  She has really outgrown them.  She still has to rest (for me to have an hour or two to myself) each day.  Some days she does fall asleep and it's usually in something silly and cute position... this was her that day (09/03/10) sitting in a tub that their blocks go in while sitting in the glider in Jackson's room.  My girls like to sit in baskets, buckets, really anything!   And yes that means that the blocks are spread out all over the floor, well the entire house!  Oh well I will clean up later...

I LOVE seeing the girls play!  It makes having them so close together worth it.  They entertain each other and are each others best friend.  Here they are... Addy reading a story while Taylor is holding her baby and feeding her.  Payton playing with her kitty cat.  They usually role play, shopping (love that one!), with babies putting them down for nap, feeding them, reading stories to them or taking them shopping.  (maybe I shop to much :P!  Is there such a thing! NAH!) 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Payton's Birthday Party

I had so much fun planning and decorating for Payton's Birthday Party, that is until I got sick... It all turned out great though.  I pulled everything together the day before her party.  I still had alot of decorations to finish making.  Boo and Carl were in town (my in-laws) to help me with the kiddos while I was sick and they were here for Payton's party so I had a couple extra set of hands to help out! :)

I made some tissue pom-poms and the theme of the party was pink and yellow and I had "P" and "2" everywhere!  I called it her "P2" party.  P for Payton and 2 because she is 2 years old.

Picture of the bar with the Pom-Pom arrangements I made

Pom-Pom creation.... :)

Banners and more Pom-Pom's the banners read Payton Grace


P2 cupcakes

and the Birthday Girl! Payton wearing the outfit I made for her :)

Cupcake time!  Payton's favorite!


Charlie and Taylor playing

Baby Anna

Sandy and Aaron

Papa and Nana with the Birthday Girl

Daddy and Payton with her Woody doll that she got from the Brownds'

Ok... this is the cutest thing!  After the party I was cleaning up and Payton got her broom and swept the kitchen for me :)  all on her own.  She kept pushing the big pieces of around trying to get it all up! :)  That was the sweetest thing!  I can't believe my baby girl is 2!  time goes by tooo fast.  In case you couldn't tell I had so much fun planning her party it was so girly and fun! (even with mastitis!) 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Payton's 2nd Birthday

I'm late posting this... me getting sick has put everything late... oh well... It will all get done one day!

Payton's birthday was September 4th.  We celebrated on her birthday with cupcakes.  This girl LOVES cupcakes.  She loved us singing to her.  After seeing Taylor and Addy having their birthdays she knew exactley what to do! :)

The girls waiting for cupcakes

Singing Happy Birthday

Sooo cute!

Blowing her candle out

Eating of course!



Happy Birthday Payton!

Opening presents.... so hard to get a good pic of this.  Payton got a Toy Story book.  I love how all the girls get so excited for each others birthdays :)

and Payton also got a Dora purse

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Any breastfeeding mama who hears this word.... the "dunt...dunt...dunt...!" Has to ring in their ear.  For those of you who don't know mastitis is a breast infection that you get from breastfeeding... yes YUCK!  I have nursed 4 babies and this is my first time getting it.  I have literally FEARED this... hearing how bad it was... well it definately lived up to its reputation.  It hit me like a ton of bricks!  I was shopping in Hobby Lobby (of course!) had all 4 kiddos w/ me (of course!) and I just got so dizzy.  We cut our trip short and went home.  I was actually so dizzy I was scared that they were going to find me passed out in the parking lot with my kids running around screaming and crying... yes not the best moment in my life and very scary.  We came home and I fixed lunch real quick so I could lay down.  Sandy (my BFF) come over.  I'm so glad that she did b/c she made me call my DR.  I love you Sandy!!!  Cause seriously I wasn't going to call.  I was like "ahh whatever I'm sure I'll feel better after some rest."  Well I came down with a fever and real bad chills, dizziness, extremely bad headache and neck pain and not to mention the pain in my boobs!  I literally couldn't talk it was very hard to form words... don't know why still don't understand.  But I was in bad shape!  The DR said sounds like mastitis and gave me an antibiotic.  Sandy was such a sweetie to go and get it for me and they brought us dinner to :)  see why she's my BFF!!!!  Nathan of course had to work late that night... but thankfully the girls went to bed pretty good.  The next day Sandy came to help me... well take care of everything for me because I couldn't.  She was so on top of things and did a great job.  She had 2 of her kiddos with her, Charlie was in school.  So she was here taking care of 6 kids and me!  My in-laws, God Bless them! Came in town that evening to stay and help.  They got here on Wednesday evening and just left today, Sunday.  I don't know what I would of done without them.  I mainly slept and fed Jackson.  I was just soooo tired.  I started to feel better on Saturday but goodness this thing kicked my butt!  Can I just say that once you become a mama you should get the anti-get sick gene implanted automatically and once you have 4 kids it should be against the law!  This was such a busy week.  Besides house cleaning and laundry I had 3 Dr appt, well checks for the girls..., library books due, ebay things that sold to mail, oh and a birthday party to get ready for!!!!!  Well I do have to say the world did not come crashing down with me out of commision.  The library books renewed, 2 Dr appts got done the other rescheduled, ebay items did get mailed... late but Oh Well...., and the birthday party was still a success, my house is clean and the laundry is done thanks to my MIL (thank you Boo I love you!) We seriously wore my in-laws out.  They were sooo tired and falling asleeping on the couch each night... poor things didn't even get to take a nap each day! lol  Welcome to my life!!!!  (I thought this was hilarious!)  They did a great job and the girls loved having them here.  Again - Thank you Boo and Carl and Sandy!

Soooo... Tomorrow back to the daily grind... :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jackson's playdate with Anna

I watched sweet Anna the other day for Sandy to get her haircut.  So of course I had to snap a few pictures.  Anna and Jackson are exactly 2 months apart.  Sandy and I were pregnant together when we had Charlie and Taylor, they are 6 weeks apart.  It was really fun to be pregnant again at the same time.  It is great to have a friend going through the same thing!

Here is Jackson and Anna

Sweet Anna

Playing with toys.  Taylor made sure that they had a bunch of toys to look at.

Sweet babies


more things kids say...

At church on Sunday, the girls and I were in the bathroom.  There is a full length mirror in there and Taylor and Addy are fighting over who is looking in it...  Taylor pushes Addy to the side and says, "move so I can see how pretty I am!"  Goodness sakes!  Vein child!  lol but pretty darn cute :P

(Yes Taylor did get in trouble for pushing her sister)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Things kids say...

Today we were out running errands.  Taylor had a play cell phone with her, as I was helping her buckle her seatbelt she says to me... "oh wait - Daddy is text messaging me!"  LOL Oh my word!!!  I just lost it! :)