Monday, January 30, 2012

Coming Home!

We were very excited to get home to all our kids!  The time couldn't come soon enough.  Although Miley had some jaundice they let us go home early and bring her back for a recheck within 2 days.

All ready to go!  Nana and Papa and all the kiddos came back to the hospital to help bring Baby Miley home.  The kids were so excited!

Daddy carrying the baby and Taylor leading the way!

In the car... let's go home!

Once we were home Taylor was ready to hold Miley.

Addison loves all over Miley....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Miley meeting her Sisters and Brother and more family!

After having Miley at 3 in the morning, I think things settled down around 5 or 6 in the morning and we could finally get some sleep.  I woke up at about 9 am and made Nathan get up to go get our other babies!  I just knew that they were at home waiting for our phone call and so excited to meet their sister.  So Nathan went back home to get them and bring them to the hospital.  When they walked in the door all I can remember is Payton's eyes as wide as saucers and so excited to meet her baby sister!  It was so precious and I hope I can remember that look on her face forever!  Taylor was a little timid and didn't want to hold her at first, she was just checking her out and wanted to snuggle with me.  Addison was equally as excited and was smothering her with love and has continued to do so.  Jackson was so sweet... he reached for Miley and said "bebe" and touched her gently. 

I made shirts for all of them that said BIG SIS, BIG BRO and LIL SIS for Miley.  They were so cute! :)

Miley all dressed in her LIL SIS onesie and waiting to meet her big sisters and big brother.

Payton so excited to meet Miley.

Jackson with Gramma

Jackson pointing and saying "bebe"

Taylor excited to see Mommy
 Payton couldn't wait to hold Miley.

Then we had more visitors.  Nana and Papa came with the kiddos and see their 9th grandchild!

My Aunt Cindy, cousin Tina and her son Joshy came to meet Miley.

 Tina and Miley

Aunt Cindy holding Miley

Aunt Nora couldn't wait to hold Miley

Another visit from Miley's big sisters and brother! :)  FUN!

Miley will not lack in the kisses and love department.

Addy being sweet :)

Papa and Jackson playing

Friday, January 27, 2012

Miley Paige Fields

I went to my regular OB appointment on 1/10/2012, this week I was measuring 4 weeks behind.  My OB was a little worried about that but we had been doing weekly ultrasounds to check the amniotic fluid levels (since the levels were low and I needed to be induced with Jackson at 38 weeks) so she was just keeping an eye on things.  I could tell almost immediately in the ultrasound that the levels were smaller than the previous week.  I said to my DR... the pockets look smaller than last week!  She said YES!  Let's have a baby! Since I was 39 weeks there was no alarm just time to have the baby!  My DR said it was ok to go home... I'm so glad!  My mom came to be with the kids and we left for the hospital.  We got there around 7 and they got the pitocin going at about 7:45.  Once hooked up to the monitors they showed that I was having some contractions, so I probably would of gone into labor that night anyway.  The contractions were about 3 minutes apart but weren't very strong, I could still talk through them.  The nurse upped the pitocin twice cause I looked to happy she said! LOL!  Things were only intense and I had to focus on breathing for about 40 minutes and it was time to push!  I pushed for about 5 minutes and Miley was here!  She was born at 3:05 am. weighing 6 lbs. 6 oz and 18 inches long. 

I tell you what having a baby in the wee hours of the morning messed us up! LOL we had no clue what day or time it was... and was pretty darn tired!  That night I think I slept 3 hours.  But it was all worth it and it always amazes me how you can function on such little sleep.

So here is our beautiful girl...

Daddy holding Miley for the first time

Daddy about to hand Miley to Mommy.

Can I please hold my baby!?

I can not remember what in the world he was telling me.

 Me holding Miley for the first time.

You would look rough at 4 am too! LOL

Gramma and Baby Miley

Beautiful girl!

Nurse giving Miley her first bath.

Miley didn't cry at all during her bath!