Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Addy and her closet...

So you can read more about Addy's closet HERE and how Nathan wasn't helping the situation HERE (its at the bottom of the post)

So this is an on going issue.... and lately I've thrown in the towel because I'm tired and pregnant!  LOL and I don't want to clean up their closet overflowed to their room again!  OK!  Well seriously you couldn't walk in their room without stepping on something.  I did NOT take a before picture on purpose because it was way to embarrassing.  I'm sure all of us go through days like this where it looks like a tornado hit the toys... well atleast in my house it does and just say it does in yours to make me feel better. :)

So to control the clutter/chaos/hoarding...  A good friend of mine (Thank you Jamie!!!) had a suggestion that I give Addy a basket or something to keep her "special items" in.  What a good idea!  DUH!  Why didn't I think of that... so... we'll see how this goes.  I'm sure it will overflow (with Addison)  But the purpose is to give her a spot something that is all hers, which is important in a big family. 

So I cleaned out her closet (and room because it was that bad) AGAIN... sigh....  and told her we can play in our room but we have to return the toys to the playroom.  And if she had something special to her she can keep that in this basket in her closet.  I gave a basket to Taylor too.  Addy looked at me with her big blue eyes and said... "WOW that's a great idea Mommy!" and gave me the biggest hug! :)  So that made her day! LOL and mine! :)

Addy excited with her basket for her special stuff!

And Payton was there too so I had to get a pic of this cutie pie!

We'll see how long this last :) Here's to hoping!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Addison's endoscopy

Wrote this the day of her procedure 6/15/11 but waited to post until we had "answers"

WOW!  What a day... Nathan and I were so emotionally and mentally exhausted after the procedure!  I took a good nap that day!  Addison did great!  She is such a trooper!  She did get nervous some but she never cried.  Nathan was able to go back with her until she was asleep.  (I can't because I'm pregnant but I'm glad that it was Nathan)  That is hard seeing your child be put to sleep.  The procedure took about 30 minutes.  She woke up well and was alert and drank a ton!  With that and her vitals were great we could leave after 30 minutes.  Addy did great the rest of the day.  She slept alot and ate, besides being really tired she was back to her old self!

The DR didn't expect to see anything while he was in there because everything that could be the issue is microscopic.  Which the DR didn't see any damage and now we wait for the biopsy results and we should get those on Tuesday.

UPDATE:  Well the biopsy showed everythis is NORMAL!!!!  Praise God!  We are so thankful that there is nothing serious the matter with Addison.  She is still have her symptoms and we are waiting to hear from the DR as to what the next step should be.  Thank you EVERYONE for your prayers!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Nathan's 30th Birthday!

Nathan turned 30 on June 7th!  I had planned on doing a big surprise party for him even though I knew he wouldn't want that.  Nathan doesn't like to be the center of attention... for a party like that.  But I was going to do it anyway! :)  Until.... the opportunity for a new guitar came up.  Nathan has wanted a new guitar for YEARS!  Has shopped and looked but would never buy one... even when we had the money.  He has a hard time buying something big like that for himself.  So when this opportunity came up I said GET IT!  Or I will... so I did... I told him I was planning on doing a party and instead I knew he would prefer this guitar... he said "YEAH!" LOL  So that was his big treat for his big birthday.  Nathan's parents came in town and his dad took him golfing.  I made him his favorite meal for dinner, Mexican lasagna and invited his bro and their fam over to celebrate.  Nathan LOVES icecream. He eat a big bowl evernight... (he will argue that fact but its true!)  So instead of cake we had ice cream sundaes! YUM-O!!! 

                                                                The Birthday Boy

                                                          Everyone enjoying their sundaes

                                                              Payton LOVES icecream!

I couldn't get Addy to stop eating to take a pic!

                        Taylor eating a sugar cookie cause that is the only sweet that she will eat!

                                                                Nicholas lovin some icecream

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I am so blessed that God gave me Nathan for my husband.  Nathan is amazing!  He is very patient (with me), caring, loving and he never complains.  We have been together for 10 1/2 years and married for 8 years.  It has been wonderful watching him grow into a father... a great daddy!  I always knew that he would be!  Nathan has always desired a big family which is an amazing quality to me... he is the first one to encourage me when I'm overwhelmed.   He is very proactive with the kids... from diapers to baths and especially playing!  We love our daddy very, very MUCH!  Everyday when Nathan gets home from work....  the girls scream with delight and jump all over him and Jackson crawls and squeals to him... so very cute!



UPDATE: 6/20/2011  A perfect example of how awesome my husband is... on his day, Father's Day, I was having a "pregnancy day"  feeling very nascious and light headed... he took care of me and kiddos without ever complaining.  He was just happy us all being together and no "work" needing to be done! LOL  He is so caring to all of our needs and I appreciate him more and more everyday!

We went to church in the evening.  (the church that we are visiting only has evening services) and the kids did some cute crafts for Father's Day.  Here is Taylor's

So CUTE!  It cracked us up!  Then on the way home from church... completely out of the blue... Addy speaks up and says "Daddy, You are the best Father!"  That was so sweet and really blessed Nathan (and me!)  These kids are so precious! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Addy Update

So I finally got Addison's blood test results back.  She shows a stage 1, minimal allergic reaction to egg whites and wheat.  WHEAT!  I said abruptly to the nurse that called me I said do you realize that is in everything!  She said Yes mam'  of course she knows.... The GI DR definately wants to go through with the endoscopy which is scheduled for this Wednesday the 15th.  He will be able to see if there are alot of white blood cells that could be due to an allergy and if there is then we will have to go to an allergist.  They will also be doing biopsies and testing for other things, like Chrones and Celiac.  Through out all of this I really haven't had any idea of what could be going on.... nothing.  I just pray for her.  Hoping for an answer and for nothing like Chrones disease.  So I was kind of in shock that something showed in her blood work.  (which by the way this blood test was suppose to be done during the first set of blood work back in March!  It got left out for some reason!) anywho...  The shock has kind of wore off and we will do whatever we have to in our lives to adjust if needed and I'm sure we will learn a TON.  We are believeing for healing for her.  And she actually hasn't gotten sick in about 2 weeks!

Just an update as to where we are at.  Please pray for her leading up to this procedure and on Wednesday!  We really appreciate it! 

A cute thing that happen today.  I know people have been praying for Addy and we feel the prayers.  It blesses me so much when someone asks how she is doing.  Well today I learned that she is on a prayer list of one of Nathans Aunt's. I saw her today and she immediately asked me about her and gave us a beautiful prayer blanket that was made specifically for her and prayed for her.  (something they do in the catholic church)  Now we are not catholic but this still blessed me.  I gave it to Addy and told her that this was her special blanket that some ladies made and prayed for her healing for her tushy (Addy says her tushy hurts when she is having a flare up)  Addy loved it and looked at it we talked about whats on it... its very cute with ballerinas and flowers on it.  We talked about how Jesus was healing her and then she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said "my tushy feels better!"   I said it does!  She said "yes so I don't need this anymore here...."  and walked off!  So cute and to see the faith in the eyes of a child!  I love it! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Oh Baby!

That's right Baby #5 is on the way!  Some people think its wonderful and others think we're crazy... sometimes I think we're crazy!  But I know that God is the Creator of LIFE and He is the Giver and we worship Him and praise Him for this new life He blessed us with!  We are so very excited and feel incredible blessed!  We don't take this opportunity lightly and know that our sweet little one was created with a purpose a... destiny.

So I'm about 8 weeks and due January 17th 2012.  Wow.... that is different for us all the girls birthdays are in the summer and Jackson's is in April.  So this will be different having a newborn in the winter.

Here's our first sonogram picture....
Now I REALLY have to get caught up on my scrapbooks... or there is just no hope! lol  I do a 1 year albulm for each baby... and I'm working on Addison's still.  One day... right! ?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just Because...

Just because my kids are so darn cute! :)  Here they are from a day that we were playing outside...