Monday, May 21, 2012

Miley 2 months

These monthly pictures are getting harder and harder to take with each baby... First off I NEVER make my bed anymore... I mean why bother!  And half of the time our bedding is on the floor from kids pulling it off to make forts or jump on the bed.  And another reason I can't keep the other kids out of the picture!  LOL I don't mind them all being in the picture I just need one picture of the baby first.   So anywho.. still trucking along with my monthly pictures and trying to catch up on my blog.  We are just to busy. So here is Miley at 2 months old.  She was still pretty cranky at 2 months old and wanted to be held all the time.  She is as sweet and cute as ever!  She was a decent sleeper too she would sleep 4-5 hours at night and then wake to eat. 

And here comes Jackson.... :)

He is a sweet big brother always kissing his baby sister.

Taylor trying to help by getting Jackson.  Poor Jack-Jack

Miley LOVES her fishy mat...

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