Friday, May 4, 2012

Big Sis Lil Sis

Taylor LOVES Miley.  In fact Taylor is the main reason Miley's name is Miley. :)  She overheard Nathan and I talking about baby names when I was pregnant and we mentioned the name Miley.  Taylor was stuck on that name and asked me EVERDAY, "Can we PAH-LEESE name baby sister, Baby Miley?"  How can you say no to that! I do like the name... but Taylor was the main reason...

Anywho... Taylor loves holding Miley and helping me.  She is very sweet and caring towards all her siblings.  This is a great help to me since Miley wants to be held all the time. 

Taylor set up a tea part for her friends :)  She had such a good time setting all this up.  She asked me for a little table to use so I grabbed a tub from the garage and threw a blanket over it.   She was so sweet playing... UNTIL... you guessed it Jackson came in the room!  He wanted to have a tea party too...  which meant throw the play food across the room.  Which of course Taylor screamed and cried!  Sigh...

We tried to teach Jackson how to sit and play tea party... but throwing the food was more fun! :)

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