Monday, May 14, 2012

Addison update

Addison had a follow up sonogram a week and half ago. The sonogram showed that her ureter has continued to enlarge.  It also showed that her kidney is dialating because of this. Her ureter should be the size of the tip of a pen and hers is a little larger than a pen.  Her ureter is 23mm when it was 13mm in December.  With this the DR feels like it's wise to do surgery and make the ureter the size that it should be and then the kidney would naturally go back to normal size.  The DR also said he believes this is why she is getting sick.  He said he can't gurantee it but he wouldn't be surprised. (I have been asking them for a year if these two things were related!!!!  Each time I asked they assured me that the two were not related. And now the DR says thet are!!!! URGH!!!!  I am very thankful that we are finding answers just think we could have resolved this a long time ago.)

The surgery takes an hour and a half.  She will be in the hospital for 1-2 nights.  Recovery will take 7-10 days.  The surgery was scheduled for July 25th.  We were put on the cancelation list in case there was an opening. GUESS WHAT PHONE CALL I GOT TODAY!  Yup...  that's right!  They have an openig on Wednesday!  In case you didn't know today is Monday...  But we took it!  Everything actually was lined up perfectly.  My mother in law is in town for the week so she is her to help. Nathan got approved to take Wedenesday-Sunday off with vacation days.  Naturally I'm nervous but I put all my trust and worry in God's hands and I know that she will be better after this!

Addison is so full of life!  She has been such a trooper through all these procedures, test and appointments.  Each time she has been sick she has showed such strength!  We would appreciate your prayers for her and us during this!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Praying! Keep us posted!