Saturday, August 7, 2010

Foot Prints in the Sand

I love the story of the Footprints in the Sand. Every one know what I'm talking about? Basically there are two footprints in the sand one is yours and one is God walking along side of you. Then there becomes one set of prints in the sand and the man questions God - Where are you? And God answers I carry you when you don't have the strength to walk.

Lately I've been struggling... many different reasons why and believeing for many things in our life right now... and really seeking God and praying. I KNOW that He is listening and I know that there is a timing for all these things that we are seeking God for. And I have been waiting ever so patiently.... (HA! I am SOOO NOT PATIENT!) anywho... Yesterday God really blessed us and boosted me up in my faith and encouraged me and made me feel so LOVED by Him... just what I needed. Nathan received a nice raise! Praise God!!! But the "timing" couldn't be more perfect. The main thing is I quit doing the preschool/nursery ministry at our church, this Sunday is my last Sunday. I was getting paid for being the coordinator. It helped our family - each time money was tight I received my check from the church. So I was nervous about quitting b/c money would be really tight and now this raise more than makes up for the loss in income! Isn't that just like God! :) This also cracks me up b/c Nathan is looking for a new job. As soon as he gets serious about looking for anothing job he gets a raise!??? LOL toooo funny! I felt like this was God giving me a big kiss to let me know that everything is going to be ok! I love these moments in life and I love to share them for encouragement. God really does care and He will carry you when you don't have the strength to walk yourself.

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