Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rapunzel, Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair!

The girls are obsessed with the movie Tangled.  Its Taylor's new favorite princess.  She no longer wants to be Aurora she wants to be Rapunzel.  That is a defining moment in this little girls life! :) The girls role play alot and play very well together (most of the time)  Sometimes their creativity trips me out.  I was changing sheets and they decided that the fited sheets would be the perfect thing for really long hair.  So the put the fitted sheet on their head and were instantly Rapunzel!  It was so cute.  They twirled together and sang the song from the movie.  Their hair got all tangled together (the sheets got twisted together from the twirling) and they fell down laughing!  This was so cute!

                                                        Taylor with her Rapunzel long hair

                                                   Taylor and Addy dancing together



** UPDATE on Addy's hoarding and her closet.... so its still an issue.  We (I) clean it out ever few days or sometimes I just shut the door.  So the other night we're putting the kids to bed.  I usually lay Jackson down while Nathan is starting our bedtime routine with the girls.  He helps them clean up their room.  So I hear him say "just put it in your closet, Addy"  WHAT!?! So I found out that he is encouraging this as I am trying to keep it clean!  We just laughed b/c its been a cycle of craziness for sometime and he isn't helping!!!! 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Jackson's 1st Birthday Party


Ok... So I think I had a to much fun planning Jackson's party! (just a little bit)  I really enjoy making decorations and making our kids birthdays special.  So Jackson being our first boy and Nathan's love for sports... what do you think the theme was.... An Allstar party!  You got it! Complete with an obstacle course, sports set up in the backyard... and cracker jacks! :)

                                                               Table set up in the foyer

                              Birthday banners and cupcakes - Thanks Rebecca for making the cupcakes! :)

                                                                       more banners

                                            Wouldn't be complete without an ESPeN banner

                                                                  Obstacle course set up

                              Some of the sports set up... we had soccer, baseball, basketball and football

                                                               Me and my cuz Tina

                                                               There's the birthday boy!

                     Baby Anna.  Jackson and Anna are exactly 2 months apart :)  The Brownds came from GA   for his party!  What great BF we have! 

                                                                        Babies playing

                                                                       Kiddos playing

                                                               Aaron playing football

                                                                     Batters Up!

                                                                    Aaron playing basketball

                                                                   Taylor enjoying the food
                          Jackson cracks me up!  He lifts his legs off the grown b/c of the feeling of the grass

                                                       Blake doing the obstacle course
                                                         Jackson did the obstacle course too.


                                                    Robbie (her boyfriend) and Rebecca my cuz

Jackson opening his presents

                                                          My cuz Amy and Aunt Cindy

                                                           Jackson's ready for cake

                                                                      maybe NOT! 

We had a blast!  We greatly appreciate everyone who came out and made this day extra special!  We love you!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I've been MIA...

So I need to catch  up.... life has been crazy full of DR appts, painting the house and planning Jackson's 1st Birthday party.  So I haven't posted Jackson's monthly pictures....  So I'm going to catch up in one post!  Makes it easier for me!!! :)

Jackson 11 months old

He is as cute as ever... Jackson started to cruise the furniture the day that he turned 11 months old.  Still NO TEETH!!! LOL  He loves table food and loves to eat. Very happy natured... loves to eat crayons! Jackson is getting into more stuff...  specifically the girls homeschool stuff, that is very frustrating!  I knew it would be hard to homeschool with a baby but GEEZE!  Still a ton of fun and loves to cuddle!

 Jackson 12 months!!!!  He is ONE!!!!

Cruising the furniture really good now, will stand alone.  Hasn't tempted walking yet and STILL NO TEETH!!!  Says "mama" and "dada"  shakes his head no.  Screams when he wants to eat.  Hasn't attempted the baby sign language yet... LOL  Loves his toy cars that we got him for his birthday.  We had Jackson's well check and he is below 0 percentile for his weight and height... he's actually been loosing weight.  They sent us for blood work and we did that.  Everything came back normal.  We are having to give him pediasure 2-3 a day.  Increase his calories.  We go back in about 2 weeks for a weight check and will probably have to see a nutritionist.  But he is a happy go lucky baby!  Just tiny! :)

More on Addy

So we had the urologist appointment last week.  No real answers... I think we're more frustrated actually.  We go back to Children's on the 23rd for more test.  They are doing a renal scan and a VCUG.  Basically her kidney and her ureter are both enlarged.  They are doing these test to see if there is a blockage.  The renal scan is to check her bladder.  They have to place a catheter and put die in her bladder and see what is going on there. The VCUG is an IV that they will also put die and watch it travel to the kidney and this way they can see how it is fuctioning and if there is a blockage and how bad.  This could be as simple as something that fixes itself over time or something that could require surgery if there is a bad blockage.  The DR did say this is a common thing that kids are born with.  We are praying and believeing it fixes itself!!!!  AMEN!!!

Now the frustrating part... the Urologist DR said that her diarrhea and vomitting is NOT from this kidney thing.... HUH????  Thats why we are here!!!  He said that is why we were going to the GI DR.  Although the GI DR told me that we found out the problem and no need to follow up with him!  WHAT!?  URGH!!!  So back at square one??? I guess.... I need to call the GI and ask a whole bunch of questions. The Urologist said that we had a sonogram b/c of her issues and just happen to find this with her kidney.  OK???