Thursday, May 12, 2011

More on Addy

So we had the urologist appointment last week.  No real answers... I think we're more frustrated actually.  We go back to Children's on the 23rd for more test.  They are doing a renal scan and a VCUG.  Basically her kidney and her ureter are both enlarged.  They are doing these test to see if there is a blockage.  The renal scan is to check her bladder.  They have to place a catheter and put die in her bladder and see what is going on there. The VCUG is an IV that they will also put die and watch it travel to the kidney and this way they can see how it is fuctioning and if there is a blockage and how bad.  This could be as simple as something that fixes itself over time or something that could require surgery if there is a bad blockage.  The DR did say this is a common thing that kids are born with.  We are praying and believeing it fixes itself!!!!  AMEN!!!

Now the frustrating part... the Urologist DR said that her diarrhea and vomitting is NOT from this kidney thing.... HUH????  Thats why we are here!!!  He said that is why we were going to the GI DR.  Although the GI DR told me that we found out the problem and no need to follow up with him!  WHAT!?  URGH!!!  So back at square one??? I guess.... I need to call the GI and ask a whole bunch of questions. The Urologist said that we had a sonogram b/c of her issues and just happen to find this with her kidney.  OK??? 

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