Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rapunzel, Rapunzel Let Down Your Hair!

The girls are obsessed with the movie Tangled.  Its Taylor's new favorite princess.  She no longer wants to be Aurora she wants to be Rapunzel.  That is a defining moment in this little girls life! :) The girls role play alot and play very well together (most of the time)  Sometimes their creativity trips me out.  I was changing sheets and they decided that the fited sheets would be the perfect thing for really long hair.  So the put the fitted sheet on their head and were instantly Rapunzel!  It was so cute.  They twirled together and sang the song from the movie.  Their hair got all tangled together (the sheets got twisted together from the twirling) and they fell down laughing!  This was so cute!

                                                        Taylor with her Rapunzel long hair

                                                   Taylor and Addy dancing together



** UPDATE on Addy's hoarding and her closet.... so its still an issue.  We (I) clean it out ever few days or sometimes I just shut the door.  So the other night we're putting the kids to bed.  I usually lay Jackson down while Nathan is starting our bedtime routine with the girls.  He helps them clean up their room.  So I hear him say "just put it in your closet, Addy"  WHAT!?! So I found out that he is encouraging this as I am trying to keep it clean!  We just laughed b/c its been a cycle of craziness for sometime and he isn't helping!!!! 

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