Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Miley 2 weeks old

Miley is 2 weeks old here.  I have taken monthly pictures with each of our babies with a special stuffed animal so that you can see their growth through their first year.  I cherish these pictures.  Taylor picked out Miley's stuffed animal.  It was actually Payton's from when we went to Disney a couple years ago but Taylor thinks it was hers.  Taylor brought me the Minnie Mouse one day while I was still pregnant and said "here Mama I don't need this anymore cause I'm not a baby, baby sister Miley can have it."  So we made it here special picture stuffed animal. :)

 She is so beautiful!
 Miley has been our most high maintenance baby.  I always thought that the parents created a "hold me baby" well I didn't do anything different with Miley than I did with our other babies.... she's a hold me baby!  Guess I was proven WRONG! LOL she is very sweet as long as she is being held.  That has been pretty challenging since there are 4 other children that need me too.  We're making it though.  Taylor is a huge help and is very gentle with her and able to hold her for me when I can't.


 See I told ya...
Take the paci baby!!!  She doesn't really care for the paci.  I keep trying....

1 comment:

Emma said...

I like that idea w/ the stuffed animal picture!