Thursday, April 12, 2012

Family Pics, Jackson's 18 month pics and Miley's Newborn pics

So a new baby means a new family picture!  Plue newborn pictures!  We had to do all these pics through 2 different days b/c Miley wasn't having it the first day!

I LOVE this picture because it's a natural shot.  Payton was upset because she wanted to be next to Daddy, Jackson has some dirt on his foot and doesn't like it.  I'm laughing because it's easier to do than get upset and Nathan going to fix everything....

I wanted a fam picture on our bed and of all the kids playing and being crazy cause that is real life for us.  It not uncommon to wake up and have 1-3 girls in bed with us.... judge all you want on our family bed but I wouldn't change a thing!  :)

I love this picture... It shows Nathan's heart and soul.  I couldn't of asked for a better partner and soul mate to share this crazy ride we are on!  He truly is amazing... Love him!

                                                                     My Jack Jack


                                                                     Our sweet baby girl

1 comment:

Emma said...

Your family is so beautiful! I really like all the pictures - especially the newborn pics!