Pics of sweet baby boy in the hospital gown.
That was just a small part of our night. 4 kids and a virus does not equal much sleep or much anything else for that matter! Last night was a bit rough... God gave us grace for today. I don't know how I can survive on very little sleep - oh yes I do! Its because I have to!!! So here is how our night went last night...
12am - Jackson wakes up crying, I rock him back to sleep
12:30am - Jackson wakes up crying, I rock him back to sleep
1am - Jackson wakes up crying, I put him in bed with us b/c I am to tired to keep doing this.
2am - Taylor comes in our room crying and throws up on the floor on my side of the bed.
I move Jackson back to his crib, thankfully he goes straight to sleep. Nathan is cleaning Taylor up and comforting her, I get the puke! Taylor is back to sleep on a palet next to Nathan's side of the bed.
3am - Jackson wakes up crying... very hot... take temp 103. Give him medicine and put him in bed with us.
4am - I wake up b/c Jackson is sooo hot next to me. I wake a little bit (about 15 minutes) and re-take temp 103.4 Goodness...
4:30am - decide to go to the ER
5am-10am ER visit
Told you I had very little sleep. Nathan was suppose to work today he called in. I am thanking Jesus that his job gave him grace and the day off instead of an occurance. (they are really harsh in that department... so that is a true miracle!)
While I was at the ER with Jackson, Taylor has a fever of 102.7.... Here she is this evening asleep on the couch. They are so miserable it just breaks my heart.
I am so thankful for Nathan. He is a great dad. He is very hands on with all our kids. He will cuddle and rock a sick baby or clean up puke. Last night it was my turn with the puke.
Payton hasn't showed any signs yet... and neither have I. Nathan isn't feeling good. I am praying that it doesn't spread anymore and that we get sleep tonight.
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