So this is an on going issue.... and lately I've thrown in the towel because I'm tired and pregnant! LOL and I don't want to clean up their closet overflowed to their room again! OK! Well seriously you couldn't walk in their room without stepping on something. I did NOT take a before picture on purpose because it was way to embarrassing. I'm sure all of us go through days like this where it looks like a tornado hit the toys... well atleast in my house it does and just say it does in yours to make me feel better. :)
So to control the clutter/chaos/hoarding... A good friend of mine (Thank you Jamie!!!) had a suggestion that I give Addy a basket or something to keep her "special items" in. What a good idea! DUH! Why didn't I think of that... so... we'll see how this goes. I'm sure it will overflow (with Addison) But the purpose is to give her a spot something that is all hers, which is important in a big family.
So I cleaned out her closet (and room because it was that bad) AGAIN... sigh.... and told her we can play in our room but we have to return the toys to the playroom. And if she had something special to her she can keep that in this basket in her closet. I gave a basket to Taylor too. Addy looked at me with her big blue eyes and said... "WOW that's a great idea Mommy!" and gave me the biggest hug! :) So that made her day! LOL and mine! :)
Addy excited with her basket for her special stuff!
And Payton was there too so I had to get a pic of this cutie pie!
We'll see how long this last :) Here's to hoping!