Thursday, November 18, 2010

Taylor and Addison's new bunkbeds

Well... we are at the place that we had to start stacking the kids! lol  We decided to get bunk beds mainly b/c the rooms in our new house are a little smaller and we wanted more space for them.  We found a great deal on these bunkbeds on Craigslist.  We were nervous about getting bunkbeds for them when they were so little, so we were picky about the kind that we wanted.  Nathan really wanted the kind that had stairs so it would be safer for them to climb.  Yes, Addison is on the top bunk and Taylor is on the bottom bunk.  Which is should be opposite... but Addy wanted the top bunk and Taylor wanted the bottom bunk.  So they are both happy!  So far its been fine and no issues.  There are some rules that go with the bed though.  And they are listening but it's only been a week! :) lol  In case your curious the rules are 1) no standing on the top bunk. 2) 1 at a time on the stairs. 3) They are only aloud to get on the top bunk (besides sleeping) if Nathan or I are in the room.  The girls were excited about their new bed.  We'd been telling them about it for a while now.
 Addison on the stairs

                                                            Taylor on the bottom bunk.

                                                                  Taylor on the stairs.
                                           Addison and Taylor, do they look happy or what! :)

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