Monday, October 24, 2011

Sea World 2011

We have been planning this trip for a while to go to Sea World.  Instead of having 3 birthday parties for the girls we decided to take them to Sea World to celebrate their special day.  The girls birthdays are barely a month apart... for all 3 girls. :)  So this seemed simpler... for some reason. LOL 

The day finally came and we went to Sea World the last weekend in August... the girls had been counting down the days and were so excited!  Papa and Nana joined us to help out and actually used their timeshare so we stayed in Orlando and extra 2 days than what we were planning on.  That was really nice!  The weather was great too!

So this deserves a blog post all in its own... My sweet cautious Taylor... says to me while we are near the "kiddie rides"  I want to go on that with you Mommy!  I literally looked at her and said Seriously... You want to go on that!? She said YEAH! :) So of course I couldn't go b/c I'm pregnant... but it's this ride that goes up and down kinda high for a kid.... it doesn't free drop but still... So Nathan took her and we really expected her to scream in terror or something instead we got all smiles and laughter.... she LOVED it! 

Taylor and her sisters could go on the tea cups... (Addy and Payton were to small for the other rides) 

Taylor then says she wants to go on the kid roller coaster... HUH?  Who is this child? ( if you know her well this would shock you too!) Here they are ready to go!

I took a pic of the incline they went up just b/c I still can't believe it! LOL!

Sea World was great!  We really enjoyed it and loved doing this with our kids!  And a special Thanks to Papa and Nana for all their help! :)

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