Saturday, September 25, 2010


Still playing catch up on EVERYTHING!  Life has been so busy... I swear I blink and the day is gone... I want to cherish each moment...  So I am late on blogging these pics but I love them so better late than never is my mato! 

Here is Jackson's 4 month pic with his bear 08/29/10 (we do monthly pics for each baby next to a special bear so we can see how they grow their 1st year I love doing these and cherish these pictures!)  I swear Jackson's hair is just a mess.  I wet it down but it just sticks up all over the place!  He would have such cute little ponytail and bow if he were a girl! lol

Taylor's naps a few and far between.  She has really outgrown them.  She still has to rest (for me to have an hour or two to myself) each day.  Some days she does fall asleep and it's usually in something silly and cute position... this was her that day (09/03/10) sitting in a tub that their blocks go in while sitting in the glider in Jackson's room.  My girls like to sit in baskets, buckets, really anything!   And yes that means that the blocks are spread out all over the floor, well the entire house!  Oh well I will clean up later...

I LOVE seeing the girls play!  It makes having them so close together worth it.  They entertain each other and are each others best friend.  Here they are... Addy reading a story while Taylor is holding her baby and feeding her.  Payton playing with her kitty cat.  They usually role play, shopping (love that one!), with babies putting them down for nap, feeding them, reading stories to them or taking them shopping.  (maybe I shop to much :P!  Is there such a thing! NAH!) 

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