Today the kiddos and I were scooter-pootin' (gotta love my Gramma) this is the term that she used to run around town... with no set thing in mind. Scooter-Pootin'.... you just never know whats going to happen or what you are going to come across. (I figured I had to give a definition to that term if you weren't in my family) So... we were scooter-pootin' around and I decided to go into Goodwill, looking for a certain book. (I was on the phone with my friend while going into Goodwill and see says Oh I have that book you can have it SWEET!!! That's free baby!) so we go in anyway. You never know what you are going to find. And honestly I never really know how long I'm going to be in there. I usually just pass over the toys b/c it's usually hodpodged junk and broken things that I don't want. Well we SCORED today!!! They had a ton of princess dolls, this princess house thing, a Dora scooter (not pictured) and a Dora suitcase. The princess dolls are around $20 brand new and yes that is 2 Aurora dolls. She is kind of like a stuffed animal. She was only $.99 so I bought both! When you have 3 little girls more than one princess doll is a great idea! We were at the disney store recently and Taylor wanted that Aurora doll but at $15 I told her no... see patience pays off. :) Anywho... all the dolls look almost brand new (some of the dolls hair is loved... but it would get that way anyway, right??) I got all that for $20!!!! That princess castle/bed thingy.... I almost bought for Taylor for her birthday at Target and it was $20.... drumroll, please... I got it for $1.91! I am sooo glad that I didn't buy it brand new. I love finding deals and saving money... now our girls are spoiled already... but seriously who could pass this up? The girls were obviously excited I couldn't keep them out of the picture... CUTE! So I had to share my finds for the day.
Here is Addy in all her princess heaven...

Every girls dream....

Can you tell Taylor was excited!?

Sooo cute!

Jackson hanging out... is it ok for boys to play with Princess dolls?

So of course when we get home (from Goodwill with all the princess excitment) it's naptime... Taylor and Addy were playing so nice and quiet with their princess dolls, I decided to let them stay up. A choice that I knew I would regret around 6:00 and love at 8:00! So I told them they could play quietly in their room. So they had their princesses taking a nap. Everytime I would peek at them they would making snoring noises. LOL
That's Addy hiding in that Dora pop up game thing.... I guess it was her tent... not sure.

Girls playing thats their princesses all lined up sleeping.

Both of them in the "tent"

Payton sleeping - so sweet!
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