Gotta catch up on my blog!
So we came home from the hospital the evening of 1/12/12. Miley's jaundice levels were low but we had to go back for a recheck. We went back 3 days in a row and her levels kept going up. So on Sunday 1/15/12 she had to be admitted to the hospital and put on the bili lights. This was rough with 4 other kids at home. I felt so bad for them b/c we just got home. So we decided that I would just go with Miley to the hospital instead of Nathan and I. (my in laws were in town) Plus the fact that Nathan also threw his back out that morning helped with that decision.
So Miley and I went to Children's and it was a very long night. They initally started her on the bili blanket and then brought in the big lights to go on top of her as well. With all the rechecks and the nurse not knowing how to prick a baby's heel... I think I got 2 hours of very interrupted sleep... and was so ready to go home. Thankfully we were able to leave the next evening! :) The pediatrician had prepared me to stay 2 nights. So I was so glad that her levels came down quickly!!!
I had more pics from my phone but lost them all when my phone landed in bubbles :( I tell ya me and electronics have not gotten a long lately! More on that later!